Ontario Indigenous Consultation Guide

Aboriginal Consultation Guide

The Government of Ontario recently finalized a document that offers guidance and direction for proponents of renewable energy projects for consulting with Indigenous communities. As of September 2013, renewable energy project applicants will look to the Aboriginal Consultation Guide for Preparing a Renewable Energy Application to follow the proper guidelines

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The role of impact and benefit agreements in the Indigenous engagement process

IBAs and aboriginal engagement

Impact and Benefits Agreements (IBAs) have become an increasingly relied-upon collaborative planning tool in negotiations between companies and Indigenous communities regarding land and resource projects. It is the finding of recent research that these agreements have emerged due to shortfalls in the current system, and because of increasing environmental and

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Newfoundland and Labrador Indigenous consultation policy

aboriginal consultation policy

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador recently released an Indigenous consultation policy that has wide-ranging implications for proponents of land use and resource developments and projects, and also applies to wildlife decisions. The policy, which provides the basis for the development of guidelines to come, lays out new, more stringent roles and

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